A TORY councillor claims the former leader of Redditch Council "pooh-poohed" all warnings before the AIR Festival - which led to a £644,000 bill.

Councillor Mike Braley said David Cartwright was warned about capacity, resources available, timing and organisation needed for such an event.

After dismal ticket sales, the Labour group decided to give away free tickets to the two-day music festival.

Mr Braley said: "My colleagues warned Mr Cartwright about what needed to be considered before embarking on this ambitious project but he simply pooh-poohed them.

"This debt will exist for years to come."

He added: "This was a scandalous waste of public money. New Council Leader Phil Mould is a level-headed man and I hope he'll help his colleagues see the light when it comes to a possible 2006 festival."

But Mr Cartwright said: "We said we'd bring a huge festival to Redditch and we delivered.

"Up until the last minute, we were told what the costs would be. The figures were very different to the large figures we ended up with. We as politicians did all we could."