DESPITE the ban on hunting it seems that the kill for fun brigade still feels that the laws of the land do not apply to them.

On Saturday, December 10, as I was driving from Evesham into Stow, I was met by a column of cars stretching back down the hill for some way. The cause, as I was soon to discover, were two horse boxes belonging to members of the Heythrop Hunt, one on each side of the road. The drivers, apparently, were having a conversation while blissfully unaware (or were they?) that they were holding up the traffic in both directions. When vehicles eventually began to move, I was taken aback to see a column of about four more large horse boxes, moving slowly down the road, each one with the driver talking on a mobile phone. It seems that not only does the hunt ignore the ban on hunting and the law about using mobile phones but they also give scant consideration to other road users. Will these people ever lose their arrogance?

ANDREW CARPENTER, Peewit Road, Hampton.