A BROADWAY parish councillor has been appointed general manager of a country house hotel in the Cotswolds.

Margaret Deakin, vice-chairman of Broadway Parish Council, has taken over the reins of the 14th century Charingworth Manor, near Chipping Campden.

She originally worked in systems management, which included employment at a Staffordshire glassware company.

After a career break to raise her two children, she ran her own country house and then worked at another local hotel before joining the English Rose group in 2003 as sales manager at Charingworth Manor.

She hopes her experience will encourage other woman returning to work after taking a break to look after their children.

"It does show that it is possible to get back into work after putting your career on hold and I'm very much enjoying my new role and the challenges it brings," she said.

Margaret is also a supporter of the local Women's Institute and a keen horseracing fan. Her husband Michael is principal lecturer in hotel management at the University of Gloucestershire.

"My husband concentrates on the theory while I put it into practice!" she said.