I SUPPORT Coun Sheila Young's appeal in your December 16 issue for safer facilities for pedestrians and cyclists along the B4503 road between Malvern and Leigh Sinton. However, the same problem exists on most roads in the district.

As if confirmation were necessary, I read in the same issue that a tandem cyclist died on the B4211 at Corse Lawn after "being in collision with a Mercedes".

I still ride a bike on many roads around Malvern. I know very well that a wobble or slight deviation from a straight line is likely to put me in danger from drivers who leave less than a metre between me and their vehicle when they overtake at 50mph or more.

It is, of course, sensible to attempt some separation of pedestrians and cyclists from vehicles.

Unfortunately, most of the allegedly purpose-built cycle/footpaths in this area are half-hearted affairs, which peter out where they are still needed.

Try the patch which runs alongside the A422 from St Peter's roundabout to Powick roundabout. It's OK while it lasts, but when attempting to cross the multi-lane approaches to the roundabouts at the 'proper' pedestrian ramps, the old crack about the quick and the dead applies!

M A JONES, Lodge Drive, Malvern.