AT the December meeting, members were treated to an evening of music from the local area.

Member Richard Churchley performed songs from Worcestershire and Warwickshire, as well as one from the Black Country in appropriate dialect.

As both a performer and local historian, Richard was able to relate this folk music to the events of the time. He also gave a rendition of a song he had written himself about the local eighteenth century land enclosures; as he pointed out, English folk songs have not be saved as carefully as those of other parts of Britain.

The audience was invited to join in a number of songs and gave a lively version of a four part round from Broadway.

The evening concluded in traditional fashion with carols, followed by mulled wine and a Christmas buffet.

The next meeting is on Tuesday, January 10 at 7.30pm at Webheath Village Hall.

Brian Draper will return to talk on the River Severn - from source to Bridgnorth. This illustrated river journey continues his fascinating view of this great river which he began in last year's programme.

Visitors welcome.