I WAS pleased to read that people value the excellent, personal services that GP surgeries provide (Letters, December 15).

Our recent success in attracting funding to redevelop a number of GP facilities will safeguard those services in the future.

Many surgeries, currently operating from converted family housing, have said they would struggle to continue to provide this high standard unless they have more space and better surroundings to work in.

This is the reason why the PCT was successful in attracting funding from the local Strategic Health Authority. The successful bids were announced in late September, so planning for all the GP facilities is still at an early stage.

In terms of the Aylmer Lodge and Northumberland House joint development, the practices themselves want to move to modern, purpose-built facilities.

No final decisions about the site location, the design or time-scales have been made, and our project team will take into account all the issues regarding patient access, transport and the impact of relocating staff.

Patient representation will be included during the process.

I do hope everyone will agree that the redevelopment of a number of GP facilities in Wyre Forest represents another significant step forward in the improvement of local primary care services for patients, provided in accommodation which meets the needs of the 21st century.



Wyre Forest Primary Care Trust

SO it is now proposed to move two doctors' surgeries to the Kidderminster Hospital site.

One comment against this was that doctors' patients would have to pay to park.

This is no problem, as the hospital car park is frequently full to overflowing, so doctors' patients will not have to pay, as they will not be able to park in any case.

Perhaps someone could explain why, when we are told the NHS is short of funds and there are threats of more cuts and closures, it has been decided that money is available to rebuild the health centre (Kidderminster), surgery (Bewdley) and move other surgeries around?

Ask any person in pain, waiting on long lists, or ending up paying privately, due to cuts in the NHS, whether they prefer a posh new building, or to get the treatment they need, and without being shifted around the country.


Marlpool Lane, Kidderminster