Worcestershire County Council's excellence in arts education is reflected in a new publication.

The Arts Council of England has produced a booklet, Reflect and Review: The Arts and Creativity in Early Years, that covers areas of creativity which allow children to express themselves, expand their individuality and learn new skills.

Worcestershire schools feature heavily in the publication, showing how the county leads the way in encouraging students to explore their artistic sides.

Emma Quickfall, education officer for the Arts Council, said: "I'm delighted that Worcestershire County Council's continued commitment to arts and creativity is celebrated in the Arts Council's Reflect and Review publication.

"Worcestershire County Council has excelled over the last few years in providing opportunities for creative learning in early years and in their support of the formal education sector by promoting Arts Council's Artsmark scheme."

Stephen Belinfante, county council inspector for arts, added: "The arts are an important part of the curriculum for young children as it sparks the learning process and builds many of the vital blocks needed for children to learn and develop. I'm very pleased with the current state of arts in schools across the county."

Half of the schools in Worcestershire County Council now have Artsmark award for their excellence and commitment to art, music, dance and drama making Worcestershire one of the country's top education authorities in the field.