BAGGERIDGE'S brick factory in Hartlebury has received national recognition for improving its business performance while aiding the environment

It has been re-accredited to the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), the only brick manufacturer in the UK to achieve this standard.

EMAS is a voluntary European scheme which evaluates environmental performance.

The overall objective is to establish and implement environmental management systems and procedures to promote continual improvements projects.

They aim to meet environmental objectives, to provide an open dialogue with the public and other interested parties regarding environmental performance and provide all employees with necessary training.

Staff at Baggeridge's Hartlebury factory have demonstrated compliance on all counts.

Alan Baxter, Baggeridge's chief executive, said: "We initially received accreditation to the scheme in 1998 and since then, our concern for the environment has been made a fundamental part of our business strategy.

"I am delighted that the principles of EMAS have been embraced by everyone at our Hartlebury plant. It's an achievement we should all feel extremely proud of as it demonstrates our ongoing commitment to environmental best practice."

In addition, Baggeridge also received certification to ISO 14001(2004) the international standard for environmental management systems.

EMAS requires over and above ISO 14001 to produce an independently verified environmental statement which is available from Baggeridge' environment department."