STOURPORT FLORAL ART CLUB - The club celebrates its 50th anniversary this year.

The group is a registered charity, belonging to the National Association of Flower Arrangers, and hopes to enlarge its usual contributions, with an auction after the annual meeting on Monday, January 30, with proceeds going to the Festival Flower Fund, and to purchase flowers for a festival in Wesley Methodist Church on July 22/23.

Stourport societies and business interested in sponsoring an arrangements are asked to contact Marguerite Stokes on 01299 823727 for information.

The main charity to benefit this year will be Acorns Children's Hospice. National demonstrator Setsuko Watanabe will demonstrate "Jubilation" at Areley Kings village hall on Monday, May 22.

An anniversary lunch, with a demonstration by Andrew Lloyd, will be on Wednesday, August 16 at Blakelands Country House, Bobbington.