CHADDESLEY Corbett residents have spoken of their relief at the rejection of plans for an affordable housing estate in the village.

The proposal by Nexus Midlands H.A., for 15 residential units, a new road and parking at the Allotment Gardens site, was refused by Wyre Forest district councillors because of safety concerns.

The site is within an area designated as part of the West Midland Green Belt and is also close to the boundary with the Chaddesley Corbett Conservation Area.

Planning officers had recommended the Planning (Development Control) Committee refuse the plans, at the meeting, due to the Highways Authority's concerns about the proposed residential estate road layout which, it felt, could compromise road safety.

Councillor Chris Nicholls, speaking during the meeting on Tuesday last week said: "Safety is paramount. There is a need for affordable housing but this is not the site."

Supporting the application, Councillor John Simmonds said: "I think this is the only way it is going to be practical for youngsters to ever remain in their own district."

Speaking on behalf of the 137 members of the Friends of the Village Association, chairman, David Hislop, said: "There was support against this from across the whole parish. We have had a lot of people saying the decision was good - no-one has said 'it's a shame, we wanted it'."

One of the association members' concerns was the high volume of traffic already using the Hemming Way cul-de-sac, as they felt plans to extend the road, to provide access to the estate, would place additional pressure on it and be dangerous.

The association was also against building on green belt land, particularly as the proposed site was next to a conservation area regularly used by ramblers.

Mr Hislop said the association would now be making suggestions about how the site could be used to benefit the residents, adding: "It is a perfect spot to be a facility for the village, like a park area."

Paul High, director of development for West Mercia Housing Group, which Nexus Midlands H.A. is part of, said: "We recognise that we are not likely to get permission on that particular piece of land.

"We have done as much as we can. What we intend to do now is meet up with officers from the district council and agree on a way forward and then to talk again with the parish council to identify if there are any other pieces of land in and around Chaddesley Corbett which are suitable."