BRITAIN is becoming a nation of overweight people, gorging on junk food as if there were no tomorrow. Well, that's what the newspaper headlines are constantly screaming at us, not to mention the umpteen television and radio programmes devoted to those among us who can never resist a jumbo doughnut with double cream.

Of course, it doesn't need to be like this. In fact, Rowan Bailey is a young woman who has shown what can be done with a bit of willpower. Add to that a determination to help good causes, and you have a winning combination.

Not so long ago, Rowan tipped the scales at 18 stone. But after a slimming course, the 25-year-old from Powick shed more than a quarter of that weight - and it was this "new" Rowan who decided to turn her life around and keep the momentum going. For as well as losing pounds, she's set about pulling some in.

Rowan's vowed to run 12 races, the equivalent of six-and-a-half marathons, for her favourite cause. At 13 stone, Rowan concedes that she's not the quickest of runners, but that hardly matters.

For it all goes to show what can be done when a condition is treated as a challenge rather than a problem. This plucky lady is the proof that no one need ever meekly accept any set of circumstances with which they are dissatisfied. The message has now been sent, loud and clear, to all those who feel that matters are out of their control. They are not. For it is possible to not only start looking good but doing good, too.