A SPECIAL reception is being held in Worcester for London Marathon runners who are building up to peak form ready for the big race in April.

The event on Wednesday, February 8, at 6pm, is being hosted by St Richard's Hospice, which has a team of six runners competing in the marathon and raising funds for the charity.

The reception is a free and informal evening open to anyone entering the London Marathon and will give runners a chance to meet others in training for the 26-mile challenge.

The physiotherapist from Run a Round, the specialist running shop on the Tything, Worcester, and a footwear specialist, massage therapist and nutritionist will be on hand to share some top tips on running gear, physio, nutrition and full training programmes.

Community fund-raiser Alison Weston said: "This will be a great chance for people to meet and perhaps find new training partners as well as swapping tips and ideas on the marathon. We welcome anyone who is entering, whether running for St Richard's or not, to come and join us."

Anyone interested should call the St Richard's fund-raising department on 01905 763963.

St Richard's, based at Rose Hill in Worcester, has been helping care for patients with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses for 21 years.

A new hospice is currently being built near County Hall in Spetchley and is due to open for patients in the autumn.

The building will include all the current services, plus 15 specialist hospice beds which are desperately needed but not available in the area.

Hospice staff will need to raise £2.8m each year to provide a full range of services when the new hospice opens.