TWO Alcester men have swapped beer for water and hard training as they gear up for the London Marathon in April.

Simon Willington and Steve Flynn will be running the marathon for an Alcester woman who was paralysed in an accident almost two years ago.

The pair, both members of the Alcester Men's Keep Fit Club, will be dividing their sponsor money between the Kay Harman Appeal and the national charity, Spinal Research. They know of Kay through the club and their friend Graeme Warbrick, the official trustee of Kay's Appeal.

Kay Harman was injured when she was cycling with her family while on holiday in 2004. She is now confined to a wheelchair but is showing great determination and is regaining her independence and living life to the full. She is currently taking part in spinal research for the charity.

For Simon, this will be his second marathon, but for Steve, it will be his first - and they have been training hard together for the past ten weeks, having given up alcohol to help their fitness.

Stephen said: "I am really enjoying the training and Simon and I have managed to solve most of the planet's big problems on our big runs. Training is going well and we are up to 17 miles now - only nine more to complete."

They both hope to run the 26.2-mile course in under four hours and raise around £2,000-£3,000 between them. Simon said: "We want to raise a good few quid and it's a wonderful experience to be able to do it for Kay."

Kay added: "They are both looking great for giving up the beer and for training so hard. I wish them both luck."

If you would like to sponsor Simon and Steve, contact Graeme Warbrick on 01789 765774 during working hours, Monday to Friday.