A WOODRUSH High School pupil is organising another talk from one of the world's foremost writers and educators on autism.

Sixth former Zo Garratt has invited Wendy Lawson to talk for the third time at the Wythall school on March 1 from 7pm. Mrs Lawson is an adult with autism and a qualified psychologist, as well as a mother.

Zo, who is also autistic, has organised the event with the help of the special needs co-ordinator, Jan Johnson.

The conscientious teenager received the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Award in December recognising her work to help other people with autism.

Her events have raised several hundred pounds for school funds and other charitable causes including a bakery in Tanzania and the provision of teaching aids for autistic children.

Tickets for next month's talk are £5 for parents and carers and £10 for professionals. Further details on 0121 430 4510 or e-mail Bernie.adams@talk21.com