YOUNGSTERS aged 13-19 are being offered the chance to take part in a unique sports scheme in the half-term holiday using the Technical Development Ring (TDR).

The TDR is a system which focuses on physical and mental player development and covers a variety of sports for all abilities.

It was primarily designed as a football training aid but can also be used for sports such as basketball or netball or any other "round" game.

The basic principle of the TDR is for participants to enter the playing area and "work" the ring by reacting to a computerised electronic programme.

Youth worker Veronica Allen said: "The TDR is extremely impressive and young people will definitely have lots of fun if they take part."

Places on the scheme, which takes place on Thursday, February 16 from 10am-4pm at Redditch Youth House in Ipsley Street, are limited. To book, call Jane Plumb on 592924.

The cost of the scheme is £1, payable prior to taking part.

For more details, visit