THE campaign against mini motorbikes being ridden dangerously in Redditch is being stepped up this week.

Police teamed up with Redditch Council and Trading Standards in the battle to stop people riding mini motors illegally in areas such as footpaths, parks and woodland.

Antisocial behaviour co-ordinator Pc Andy Holliday said the second stage of the campaign would enforce the message that it is illegal, dangerous and antisocial to ride the bikes in a public place.

"We've visited retailers, sent letters to parents and used posters in problem areas to communicate this message and now we're ready to move on to the second stage of the campaign," said Pc Holliday.

He said they would seize bikes from anyone using them illegally, and people may have to pay at least £75 to get their bike back. If they do not pay or are caught re-offending and their bike is seized again, it will be destroyed.

The issue was also set as a priority at a recent PACT meeting in Smallwood.

Beat manager Pc Rebecca Handy said they were focussing on Foredrift Close, which was identified by local residents as a problem area for mini moto offences, and would not hesitate to use powers available to them.

The next PACT meeting in Smallwood will take place at 7pm on Monday, February 6 at CentrePoint in Ipsley Street.