STUDLEY residents can let the good times roll at a music hall concert this Saturday.

Revellers can look forward to live music from the 1930s, '40s and '50s, courtesy of talented pianist John Parker at the village hall event, which kicks off at 7.30pm. Compere Bill Owen will also keep audiences amused with his witty one-liners and rib-tickling tales.

The event is being held to raise funds for the upkeep of the High Street hall.

Village hall committee spokeswoman Hazel Wright said: "There will be something for everyone and I urge people to come down and enjoy the entertainment. It's suitable for families and there will be music everyone recognises"

She added: "We want to keep the hall as well maintained as possible and in order to do so, we need to raise money."

Refreshments will also be available. Tickets priced £5/6 are available on the door or in advance from Davis' in Alcester Road.