ABBEYDALE residents are invited to their first community policing meeting tonight.

The PACT meeting will be held at Arthur Jobson House in Sedgley Close, Abbeydale, at 7pm.

Beat manager Pc Kate Johnson said it would be a great opportunity for residents to raise concerns about the area they live in. It may be a police-related matter or it may be something different," she said. "In other town areas we've looked at all kinds of issues, from problems with the drains to anti-social behaviour."

All issues raised will then be discussed by a PACT panel, comprising police, partner agencies and community members. Three priorities for the month ahead will then be decided.

Pc Johnson added: "Progress will then be reported back at the next meeting. We know there are many issues in Abbeydale that people want improved and this is a chance to get these into order so we can address the most important first. We realise some things that seem trivial have a big impact on your life, so come along and let us know what they are."