PRESIDENT Pauline Vining welcomed members, the music began and in danced our speaker for the evening, Val Rainbow.

Beautifully dressed for the occasion, she both demonstrated and illustrated the history of belly dancing or, to use the correct name, Raks Sharki, meaning oriental dance.

The dance was first seen in Europe at the World Exhibition in Paris where the flowing, natural and unrestricted movements shocked Victorian spectators.

Members saw the intricate costumes used for dancing and then four intrepid members were taught how to "shimmy", much to the amusement of the others.

It was a lively and entertaining beginning to 2006. The vote of thanks was given by Marion Cargill.

The business part of the meeting was then conducted. The County Newsheet and other enclosures were read and the new WI members' magazine was discussed. Dates of local and other events which members may like to attend were given.

There will be a silent auction at the February meeting in aid of the earthquake victims in Pakistan . The speaker will be Nicki Chatterton, who will be talking about traditional acupuncture. Visitors are welcome to join members at Malt Mill Lane Community Centre at 7.30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month.