ANXIOUS Wythall residents are hoping new CCTV and extra police officers in the village will deter gangs of antisocial youths.

At a parish council meeting, residents voiced concerns over large groups of youths hanging around outside shops in May Lane.

Worcestershire county councillor Wally Stewart, who is also chairman of the village's Neighbourhood Watch, said problems were in all three shopping areas in Wythall - May Lane, Drake's Cross and Station Road.

He said it was a problem of youngsters gathering in one place and intimidating residents.

"I admit things could be an awful lot worse - it's just the gathering of a lot of youths in one place - but imagine you walk out of a shop and there's 25 lads all standing there, some with lager," he said.

"They are rowdy, make a mess and can be intimidating and like everywhere else, we have a problem of under-age drinking."

Mr Stewart added they were now hoping extra police, along with anticipated CCTV cameras, would help the situation.

He sympathised with children who had little to keep them occupied but insisted them gathering outside shops had to be dealt with.

"The police have now been made aware of it and are working with us," said Mr Stewart.