REDDITCH Council Leader Phil Mould has agreed to be more responsible with council taxpayer's money following the cash wasted on the AIR Festival.

He was responding to a question from former Worcestershire county councillor Tom Wareing at the full council meeting on Monday night.

Mr Wareing asked whether the council would be more responsible this year following revelations over the true cost to the public of July's event.

Ticket sales for the two-day pop concert were so poor the council was forced to give them away, with residents having to foot the £664,000 bill.

Mr Wareing asked whether "the Leader would give his assurance that in 2006 the thrifty among Redditch council taxpayers, together with other responsible citizens, who find difficulty in paying their direct and indirect taxation - which includes most folk - can rest in their beds in the knowledge he and his group will take a responsible lead."

Mr Mould answer was a simple "Yes".

But Mr Wareing responded: "That answer is pregnant with meaning and should be carried out to the letter."