STAFF based in Bromsgrove, who oversee all highways issues in and around the town, could be moved to Worcester as part of a bid to stream-line the service.

A consultation exercise is underway to look at the future of the six county council-funded Highways Partnership Units, (HPUs), one of which is based at the district council's office in Burcot Lane.

Before the end of February district and parish councils will be consulted on three options for the future of the units. The matter will then go to the county authority's cabinet on March 9 for a final decision.

The options are: Scrap the HPUs and move the staff to County Hall; have just three located somewhere in the county; retain two, one in the north, and one in the south.

Partnership forums, consisting of delegates from various organisations who have an input into highways matters, will continue as now.

The units were established several years ago in a bid to localise highways issues and make the service more accessible and accountable.

One district and county councillor who is not impressed with the new plan is Labour's Peter McDonald (Waseley and Rubery).

He said: "These proposals are meaningless paper talk and are patronising to the people of Bromsgrove. The units were set up to be local and accountable. I believe it will be a retrograde step to move them to Worcester."

County council leader George Lord (Con-Alvechurch), who lives in Marlbrook, said the authority had to look at ways of saving money and reminded Cllr McDonald that it is the county that picks up the bills for the HPUs.

He added the proposals were to do with administration and the important forums would continue.