TWO English girl backpackers and their male Australian buddy set off into the bush to explore Wolf Creek crater - the site of a meteorite landing several years before.

Things soon start going wrong and the young friends' trip of a lifetime rapidly descends into the stuff nightmares are made of.

They meet an Australian man who kindly offers them a lift and help in mending their car, which has mysteriously spluttered to a halt - despite working perfectly just hours before.

Mick Taylor, their apparent Good Samaritan, is a jovial working-class type. He'd not look out of place supping a beer in Neighbour's Scarle" bar while having a chat about the weather with Joe Mangle.

However, he is a sadistic killer whose capacity for violence knows absolutely no bounds.

There is a beautiful soundtrack, breathtaking scenery and some of the most horrifically violent scenes this reviewer has seen for a long time.

What makes this film even more disturbing to watch is the fact its based on true events.

The images of the torture these innocent backpackers had to injure will stay with you for a long time.