I TOTALLY agree with Karen Collins' comments concerning the proposed demolition of the children's play area in Vines Lane.

There are many families in Vines Lane and the surrounding area who have children that like to play there.

Tony Blair has just started a crack-down on yobbish behaviour and one reason being given for such anti-social behaviour is the removal of youth clubs or play areas such as this one. We need more things for youngsters to do, not less!

Helen Dewbury gives the reasons for the play areas removal as being:

a) A decline in the numbers of children in the area - Well, has she forgotten that in the last few years the estates at Bays Meadow and the Waterfront have been built, housing many young families with children?

b) Children don't seem to play there anymore - The reason children don't play there anymore is that the council removed the swings many years ago and did not replace them.

Let's see the play area restored to its former glory in time for the summer holidays please.

Mandy Brown

Vines Lane

Droitwich Spa