I READ with interest that Wychavon District Council is to waste more council taxpayers' money on paying someone to run the High Street regeneration.

I thought that was what we paid the councillors for anyway. I take it their wages will be passed on to the already over-stretched council tax payers.

The only thing wrong with the High Street is that if the shops were of interest they would get the custom.

You go to other areas with similar types of shops as the Spa and its history, but the shopkeepers put the effort in and make them pay. Here they just sit back and think it will come to them.

A good street market would be the best thing for the High Street but the shop keepers don't like it as they do not want to compete. It is about time Wychavon put more effort into stopping the parking on Saturdays in the High Street.

John Lloyd

Droitwich Spa