THE local government board inquiry at Redditch met on Tuesday for an application by the Rural Urban District Council for a loan of £3,750, for the Headless Cross and Hewell Road new sewage scheme, which was of interest for the amount of the proposed loan.

It has been known for some time the district council would, sooner or later have to take seriously in hand the question of dealing with the Headless Cross sewage.

Had the Headless Cross matter been all there was to consider, we are still of the opinion it would have been best, as it certainly would have been the most economical course to convey it to the outfall at Ipsley by the most direct route but, as was pointed out at the inquiry, others had to be considered.

Ever since the first scheme of sewage disposal was adopted for Redditch, the arrangements made for dealing with the Hewell Road locality have been very imperfect and inadequate.

The district council are of opinion that the best course all round is to convey the Headless Cross sewage down to Soudan to join the enlarged sewer drain to the Holyoakes Fields and Hewell Road District.