A GRANDFATHER whose alarm clock has been set at 4.30am to go to work is looking forward to some well-deserved lie-ins after retiring from his job.

Harry Massam, aged 65, from Portland Street, Diglis, yesterday retired from bus company First where he has worked for almost 38 years.

Mr Massam initially joined the firm as a bus conductor but after his training he spent 20 years from 1970 to 1990 driving buses and coaches. After that he moved into the office where he helped look after the day-to-day running of the bus service.

Some memorable times during his life on the buses include an occasion when a woman left her baby on board when she got off. Harry drove off only to be stopped by a man who ran after him shouting.

Mr Massam said: "I have had a good life. The job paid my bills. I really did enjoy it, especially meeting people. That was one of the nicest parts - meeting the different people." However, retirement does not mean taking things easy for Mr Massam. He added: "I want to take my garage down and completely re-do the garden. I have also put off some decorating, which I can now do, and get down on to the golf, and as well as spend time with family and grandchildren, who are all girls, aged from two to 12."