A FOUR-year-old boy who was traumatised when his foot got trapped in the workings of a pushchair has been offered a very special treat from his rescuers.

Little Jack Spragg, of Grenville Road, Dines Green, Worcester, got into trouble when his right foot slipped and got stuck and twisted in the swivel wheels of a family friend's pushchair.

His grandmother, Tracey Smith, aged 36, was looking after him when the accident happened on Monday afternoon and became panic-stricken when efforts to free her frightened grandson proved fruitless.

After 15 minutes of struggling she said she felt she had little choice but to call the fire brigade.

She said: "We tried for what seemed like a lifetime to get his foot out, bending it and using washing-up liquid, but his foot was all twisted and we were worried it may be broken.

"We didn't know what to do so we rang the fire brigade. They got here in five minutes and Jack calmed down as soon as he saw them and the flashing lights on the fire engine."

Retained crews from Worcester Fire Station used a hacksaw to remove the wheel and free Jack's foot. He was left with bruising, but luckily nothing was broken.

Hereford and Worcester fire brigade has since offered the grateful Dines Green Nursery pupil a ride in a fire engine.

Jack's 23-year-old mum, Emily Spragg, arrived at the scene shortly after the fire crews.

She added: "I did panic when I saw the flashing lights and Jack's foot all caught up, but we all thanked the firefighters when they freed him - including Jack.

"He is now really looking forward to the amazing treat as he was a bit too shaken to take it all in at the time."

A fire service spokesman confirmed the offer and it is thought he will take a ride in the engine today.