AN outdoor activity centre in Bewdley is set to welcome more children after being given a lottery-funded facelift.

The Frank Chapman Centre, in Park End, has reopened after a refurbishment funded by a £311,000 grant from the Big Lottery New Opportunities Fund.

It runs residential education courses and its facilities include an indoor swimming pool, adventure course and camp grounds.

The centre, which was established by Frank Chapman as the Smethwick School Camp in 1928, is run by Sandwell LEA and organises courses for Sandwell schools. The Sandwell Building Services Division also helped to fund the improvements.

Children from schools including Stourport First, St Anne's Middle and Holy Trinity in Kidderminster regularly use the centre as do other local groups.

The refurbishment includes a new main office and reception area and an extended common room with a dedicated IT area.

Disabled access has been improved, with a lift and easy access toilet and shower rooms and there are environmentally friendly features, including push taps to reduce water wastage and insulated ceiling tiles and a new heating system to help make the roof-mounted solar panel more effective.

Carol Bamber, head of the centre, said: "I am thrilled with the refurbishment. It is now a much better experience for our visitors and it feels like a brand new building. I am looking forward to welcoming people with disabilities, in particular, as now they can use the centre."