PUPILS at a Vale school took part in a landmark exhibition organised by the Diocese of Worcester tackling issues of discrimination, intolerance and social injustice.

The diocese's latest project Descendants of All Worlds of Heartstone, a nationwide voluntary non-profit organisation, highlights the concept that people are more similar than different and that there is more than one side to a story.

Pupils from the St Egwin's Middle School in Evesham took part in the event today at Worcester Cathedral.

Members of the Heartstone used photo documentary to present social and environmental stories which challenge commonly held stereotypes.

Comprising powerful imagery from locations across the world and thought provoking text, each exhibition is designed to act as a focus through which it will be possible to question attitudes and beliefs in relation to other nationalities and cultures and question ideas many people simply take for granted.

The Rev David Morphy said: "We hope the experience of the exhibition will motivate the children to begin questioning issues of discrimination and injustice."

The exhibition marks the continued priority which the Diocesan Board of Education and Worcester Cathedral place on supporting projects which challenge prejudice, and promote tolerance and social justice.