ENVIRONMENTALLY-friendly businesses in Worcestershire that want to know how their activities compare with those of their peers can take part in the West Midlands Environment Index 2006.

The list, spearheaded by Business in the Community and Groundwork Environmental Bus-iness Services, helps the region's businesses improve their environmental performance.

It is widely recognised as the UK's leading benchmark of corporate environmental engagement.

The Environment Index is a voluntary exercise that benchmarks businesses against their peers and whole sectors against each other, on the basis of their environmental management and performance in key areas.

Business in the Community's Steve Fitzgerald said: "This is the fifth year that we have run the Index in the West Midlands and its original objective - to raise awareness of the environment as a strategic, competitive issue at boardroom level - is still relevant.

"However, these days the index aims higher, offering companies a tool to measure progress and drive continuous improvement while providing credible, independent and comparable information to stakeholders."

Deadline for completion is the start of March and the results of the regional index will be published in June.

All organisations taking part are offered guidance on how improved environmental measurement can be used to their advantage, and where to go for business support.

For more details, call James Dennison at Groundwork on 0121 5076532 or e-mail james.dennison@groundwork.org.uk