Your front page piece concerning parking in Malvern comes as no surprise to me because there seems to be neither any policy nor consistency here.

Overstay your time anywhere in a legal parking zone and a ticket is guaranteed - unless of course you have a red star.

What really sticks in my throat is the total disregard for all double yellow lines. Why did the council invest so much of my money in painting the roadside for nothing to be done by way of enforcement? The absolute ignorance and contempt for this so-called parking restriction is unacceptable and often poses a significant hazard to law-abiding drivers and pedestrians.

If council officials enforced parking restrictions and policed them effectively then there would be no need for the red star. But, there again, that would probably not suit them and their convenient work ethic so it is unlikely to happen.

Mr J J E Parr, Suckley.