SCOUTS are to be mobilised for a massive bag-packing operation on Saturday, which, it is hoped, will raise more than £2,000 for Operation Covert.

Shoppers at Morrisons and Sainsbury's in Kidderminster are to be given a helping hand with their shopping between 10am and 4pm on the day.

Donations towards our appeal are hoped to top £2,000 when about 75 youngsters man 30 tills at the two stores.

The effort follows a Christmas blitz at the supermarkets, which raised a staggering £12,500 over two weeks of the festive period. The cash was for district Scout groups.

Co-ordinator, Mark Searl, said most of the 14 Scout groups in Kidderminster would take part on Saturday, with some older Cubs also lending a hand.

He said: "The kids enjoy doing it. We have no problem with kids volunteering. They are very receptive. We find shoppers are very generous and a lot of them were involved in Scouts and like talking to us.

"Rhydd Covert benefits Scouting. The majority of kids love camping and Rhydd Covert is a place where a lot of them will spend weekends and weeks over the summer."

Sainsbury's is at Carpet Trades Way, Crossley Park and Morrisons, formerly Safeway, is in Oxford Street.

l Guides from Stourport are to donate £100 to Operation Covert after raising more than £1,500 for good causes with a four-day bag pack.

Girls from 1st Wilden Guides raised £1,891 over four days at the Co-op in Stourport. As well as Operation Covert, £850 will be given to Stourport Social Day Centre and £100 to the appeal for those affected by the Asian tsunami disaster.

The rest of the money will go towards to the group.