SIR - The CAB and the Worcester Housing and Benefit Advice Centre have unwittingly chosen the worst possible venue for providing essential debt counselling. The report on February 7 states they are to provide it in Worcester Community Housing Neighbourhood Offices at their invitation as part of the "rent first" initiative.

While debt counselling is invaluable when people are in a financial mess, many people will be apprehensive about making an appointment via their landlord's phone number, and being seen in those offices for such advice. It would be better to opt for a neutral location elsewhere. This way, more would feel comfortable accessing the service for which an undoubted need exists. Additionally, the nature of advice work is that transparent independence is vital, and participating in an initiative entitled "Rent First" hosted by the city's largest landlord, may be perceived as compromising that independence.

A better response would follow if the advice agencies would use the Neighbourhood Offices to advertise the sessions with a contact phone number rather than for the housing company/corporation to arrange the appointments on their own number.