ST John's Sports Centre helped put to rest the myth that children get bored in the school holidays by organising a half term full of fun activities.

The centre in Swanpool Walk, Worcester, was jam-packed with energetic youngsters, aged between five and 12, who played non-stop cricket, wore themselves out on a bouncy castle, raced around in pedal go-karts and made their own Valentine's Day cards.

There was also a roller disco, running races, and basketball, netball and football coaching.

The Ofsted registered play scheme is held at the centre during every school holiday.

The activities are designed to fit in with working parents and run from 9am to 3pm or 5.30pm.

Ian Jakeways, operations manager, said: "It is always a successful event.

"The children can register for a whole week or just one specific activity. They have such fun and often come back."