A MATCHBOROUGH councillor has voiced concerns over rubbish dumped in what she has termed "beer-can bog".

Councillor Juliet Brunner contacted the Advertiser on Monday after discovering a number of beer cans in a stream between Milhill Road and Hatfield Close near her home in Matchborough East.

"I was having a walk around the ward on Saturday and not yards away from a rubbish bin were about 12 cans of beer which people have thrown down the stream," she said.

"Considering there's a recycling box not far away in Matchborough shopping centre, it's just really sad."

She accused the people responsible of being inconsiderate, and said the majority of homes in the area had recycling boxes.

"People should get behind the recycling that we are doing in the town," Mrs Brunner added.

"People should realise this is going to have a cost implication and it's going to be the council tax payers that pick up the tab."