A CALLOW Hill teacher has been turning cartwheels after qualifying to become a world class gymnastic judge at the age of 55.

Dr John Elgy, of Parmington Close, has earned his International Judging Brevet, which allows him to judge any world class gymnastic event, including the Olympic Games and world championships.

The Aston University lecturer is a former gymnast and gym coach and has been heavily involved with judging the sport at international level for a number of years.

He has judged events across Europe, including the Commonwealth Games in Manchester and the recent Gymnastic World Cup Finals in Birmingham.

However, it is the requirement of the International Judging Brevet that every four years, all national and international judges have to re-qualify for the qualification during a four-day course.

Mr Elgy had to pass a theory and practical exam to achieve the qualification, which included memorising hundreds of rules and regulations as well as being able to recognise 600 individual gymnastic skills.

"With good performances in the practical and theory paper, I achieved a mark of 86.3 per cent, which is comfortably over the 85 per cent required of a grade 2 International Brevet," he said.

He is now hoping to be selected as a judge for the next Olympics in London in 2012.

Meanwhile, his newly honed skills will be put into practice when he judges an international competition in Nottingham on Sunday.