TOP Redditch Tory Karen Lumley has joined the opposition to plans to merge West Mercia Police with neighbouring forces.

The Parliamentary spokeswoman for the Conservatives has called on Jacqui Smith MP to help fight plans to amalgamate West Mercia with Warwickshire, West Midlands and Staffordshire.

Last week, West Mercia Police Authority agreed to reject Home Secretary Charles Clarke's call for authorities and forces to volunteer to form a single regional police service. The deadline for the decision is Friday.

Mrs Lumley referred to a question asked in the Mail on Sunday by West Mercia Chief Constable Paul West, who asked why the Home Secretary wanted to destroy his force.

"This is a respected police officer who felt the need to put his case in a national newspaper," she said.

"We need to back him and Jacqui needs to publicly support the West Mercia force before the Friday deadline. Let's hope she does so."

The police authority had claimed Mr Clarke was "rushing ahead with an untested model" and there were still too many unanswered questions.

In response to Mrs Lumley's calls, Ms Smith said she had written in support of West Mercia's proposals but Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary had recommended the alternative option.

She said the most important issue now was using police and community safety officers in the town to best effect.

"People tell me they want accessible police services in Redditch. They want a visible police presence on our streets and in the town centre and they want quick response times," she said.

"Those matters have little to do with what management structure the police have at a regional level and much more to do with investment, efficiency and will.

''I won't be distracted from securing those improvements for Redditch."