IF there's one thing deplorable about the film industry it's movie moguls' desperate need to cash in on an old formula which worked superbly the first time around.

Will Ferrell and Nicole Kidman star as actors playing Darrin and Samantha in a remake of the 60s classic series Betwitched.

But the twist is Isabelle, the actress (Kidman), is actually a witch. Got that? An actress in a film plays a housewife/witch from a retro series but actually is a witch in real life! Gripping stuff.

All traces of warm, subtle humour, lovely magical moments and the ability to captivate the audience, which made the original Bewitched so loved, have been abandoned.

Instead we have Kidman who resembles a beanpole in both her acting skills and stature and an over-the-top Ferrell hamming it up.

They're certainly no Elizabeth Montgomery or Dick York (the original Sam and Darrin) - and no amount of hocus pocus will convince me otherwise.

This film just has no magic but at least HMV offer a second DVD featuring three of the 60s episodes. They really did make me twitch my nose with delight!