AN addict tried to repay his drug dealer by stealing four packs of mouth ulcer ointment to improve the crook's health.

But Sean Carroll was approached by a security guard and arrested before he could leave Quicksave in Angel Street, Worcester, with the goods.

The ointment was valued at £9.56, about the same as a drug wrap in exchange, said Ian Speed, defending.

"The dealer suffered from mouth ulcers. This is what the shoplifting was all about," he added.

Carroll, aged 32, of Farriers Corner, Droitwich, pleaded guilty to theft and to common assault on a woman.

Recorder Roderick Henderson gave him an 18-month community order with a condition that he take part in a drug intervention programme.

But he warned Carroll that if he failed to complete the order he would be jailed instead.

The defendant was "very experienced" in crime and within weeks of being released from a previous prison term was "back to your old tricks", he added.

Prosecutor Andrew Wallace said Carroll tried shoplifting on January 11 to fund his drug habit.

He had 69 previous convictions for theft, burglary and violent offences, Worcester Crown Court heard.

In a separate incident, he flicked a cigarette at a woman when she tried to stop him persuading a gullible man to hand over money, said Mr Wallace.

Carroll was dependent on drink and drugs and was not confident of curbing his habits, said Mr Speed.

But he was willing to try counselling in a last bid to turn his life around.