Members were treated to a nostalgic and very appropriate evening of romantic songs at February's meeting, which was held on St Valentine's Day.

Our president, Lynne Reading, introduced the speaker, Mr Hibbs, who had brought a wide selection of songs which spanned more than 60 years.

While Mr Hibbs talked about the singers, he played their songs. Many were soon tapping their feet and humming to the music as the tunes were recalled. As well as playing music, Mr Hibbs showed us a selection of sheet music, all of which had photographs of the artists on the front. Everyone enjoyed the musical evening and at the end Michelle Stafford thanked Mr Hibbs.

Following delicious refreshments, the president conducted the business section of the meeting. Forthcoming events, including the curling 'taster' evening on March 30, the group meeting on April 25 and the possibility of a visit to a garden during the summer, were mentioned.

The speaker at the next meeting, in Bentley Village Hall at 7.45pm on Tuesday, March 14, will be Mr Shore whose subject will be 'Living in Arizona.' Why not come along as a visitor?