The recent increase of 15 per cent in the taxi licensing charges, which the Tory controlling group won by one vote will inevitably be used to justify substantial increases in the taxi fares.

This was done, so we were told, in order to increase the council's annual income from this source by a measly £7,000. In the meantime the council spends, rightly in my view, half a million pounds on the concessionary fares scheme on the buses and coaches throughout the district.

A civilised society is judged by the way in which it treats its less fortunate members. Judging by the comments made by the licensing committee chairman, the Tories still think that using a taxi is somehow a luxury.

Perhaps he ought to tell that to the young mums with a couple of children under five struggling to get on and off buses, juggling with a pushchair and two or three carrier bags full of the weekly shopping.

Perhaps he ought to tell that to the disabled who physically cannot manage getting on and off buses.

Perhaps he ought to tell that to the elderly and the frail who live in those parts of the district where there are no buses. A taxi is the only means by which these people can leave the house - hardly a luxury.

The local elections are only just over a year away, and hopefully the electors of this district will remember this and the other heartless and inconsiderate decisions which are currently being taken by the Conservative controlling group purely on party political grounds.

Councillor Nick Psirides

Independent - Norton ward