February 20, 1981

AN angry mother has criticised sports hall managers for allowing teenagers to monopolise a special "family" roller skating session.

Disappointed children have been turned away from the Abbey Stadium's Sunday roller disco because there were no skates left.

And it's left some fuming.

"We couldn't get in - it was full of teenagers," said Mrs Susan Robertson, of Winyates Green.

"It must have been a bitter disappointment for children who were kept out.

"If it's advertised as a family session they should have two sessions instead."

Mr Paul Gowans said the event was billed as "family and open".

And he said he had banned loud music and disco lights to encourage families to go.

"It's just first come first served," he said.

The number of people attended was limited by the number of skates - 100.

But he thought the stadium could use more skates if the Council decided to provide them.

And Mr Gowans said he would wait and see if demand continued before starting two shorter sessions on Sundays.

That's what we do on Saturdays - there is one here for under 16s and one for over 16s, he pointed out.