AUDIENCES will be left on the edges of their seats when a spine-chilling thriller is performed in Blakedown next week.

Theatre 282, which this year celebrates its 40th anniversary, will present I'll Be Back Before Midnight at Blakedown Parish Rooms, Belbroughton Road, from Thursday, March 23 until Saturday, March 25.

The play, written by Peter Colley, is said to have the perfect mixture of suspense and shocks, as well as comedy.

Action takes place in the living room of a farmhouse and follows the life of Jan (Katherine Jones) who has spent several months in hospital following a nervous breakdown.

She is brought to the isolated farm by her husband, Greg (Matthew Preece), seemingly to complete her recovery.

As soon as they arrive, unsettling things start to happen. Greg's sister, Laura (Jacqui Preece), with whom he seems to have an unnaturally close relationship, arrives, much to Jan's dismay.

There is also a rather strange and slightly mad old farmer (Ian Dolman), who lives nearby.

This is followed by flickering lights, mysterious heartbeats and a hand at the window, as it builds up to a thrilling ending.

Theatre group chairman, Ben Moseley, said the cast had been rehearsing since January and practising with a professional fight director.

He added: "The play has provided the cast with a different challenge and very well written rounded characters to get their teeth into.

"When I first read the play, I could not put the play down as it is what I call a roller-coaster of a play with something happening and going on round every corner - it really grips like a vice."

The group has more than 30 members and productions are staged in March and June and a pantomime takes place in December.

The play starts at 7.30pm. For further information and tickets, contact 01562 829260, 01562 639425 or 01562 777032 or visit