HANLEY Castle High School is a good school with some outstanding features, according to government inspectors.

The school was visited by Ofsted last month and a report was published this week.

It says Hanley Castle "succeeds in its aim, being a people-centred school wanting the best of pupils and staff".

The school has high academic standards with achievement well above average, including an effective sixth form offering good quality education, both academic and vocational. The quality of teaching is good and the school's new inclusion centre for vulnerable learners is described as outstanding.

However, inspectors said monitoring and assessment data could be used more effectively to help teachers plan for the needs of different pupils. Marking and written comments are not used consistently by different teachers and departments.

Teachers insist on good behaviour and attendance is good. Bullying is rare and dealt with effectively when it occurs. The report says the school still does not provide a daily act of collective worship.

Headteacher Rob Haring said: "Our ethos of inclusion, in the widest sense, has been recognised as outstanding, that is, all pupils are encouraged to play an active role in school life and have an opportunity to contribute and learn."

He was also pleased to see favourable comments on the teamwork approach between teachers and classroom assistants in aiding pupils' learning.