TAXI drivers could be banned from beeping their horns and be allowed to work over the age of 70 under new guidelines.

Changes to the taxi drivers' handbook, the Red Book, will be decided over the next few months by Worcester City Council's licensing committee after those in the taxi trade are given time to voice their opinions.

Ann Murphey, secretary of the Taxi Driver's Association, agreed the handbook was due for an update, but feared the real issues would not be dealt with.

She said: "From our point of view there is a lot that needs changing, but there is a lot that doesn't come into the Red Book. My biggest complaint are the private hire drivers picking up people from the street when they are not insured to do so.

"Some wait outside Shrub Hill Station and people get into the cars not knowing they shouldn't. These drivers are not always from the city - they come from outside the area because they know they can get customers.

"I do hope good things come from the new book. It's great they've got around to doing something. All they've done over the last three years is increase the fees and paperwork we have to do.

The draft version of the new handbook aims to make the licensing process more straightforward for drivers and improve public safety.

Changes are likely to include having no upper age limit for drivers, as long as they pass medicals and driving assessments.

Medicals would be carried out every three years for those over 45 and annually for the over-60s.

Driving assessments would be on initial application, and after a complaint about the driver. They would be made annual for drivers over 70.

Councillors also discussed scrapping restrictions on the age of vehicles allowed to be taxis, on the basis that cars are either fit or unfit to be taxis regardless of their age.

The draft handbook will be sent to the Taxi Drivers Association, the city council's Disability and Discrimination Act working party, the Chamber of Commerce, West Mercia Constabulary, health and safety executives and Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue Service.

The consultation period will end at the start of September and the committee will meet again on Wednesday, September 27, to agree the final version.