A LOT of the time it is down to people always expecting the worst. These are not our words - they were spoken by Karen Hall, who represents a company called Kentwood Ltd.

This firm wants to convert a bungalow in Lower Broadheath into a care facility for young adults with learning difficulties. Despite the fact that only five people will actually live at the site, villagers have not been slow to voice their objections.

People are often uneasy about changes to their environment. It is perfectly understandable. This newspaper is certainly not going to start hurling cliches about "nimbies" - we believe that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with any citizen being concerned with the future of their back - or even front yard, for that matter. Nevertheless, the Worcester News does feel that in this case, the people of this charming Worcestershire village are being just a trifle premature.

No one is talking about a large-scale hostel for undesirables. These people are merely citizens who require an extra helping hand in life. There is no reason to suppose that they would necessarily be inclined to indulge in any activity that could be regarded as being remotely anti-social in any way. Indeed, the chances are that any community that was established would in all likelihood either blend in with the village or keep themselves to themselves.

We therefore urge the good people of Lower Broadheath to take a broader view. And perhaps heed the opening words of this column, too.