THE youngest councillor in the country, James Duddy, is set to inject much-needed new blood into Bromsgrove District Council.

James won Wythall South for the Tories by a landslide in the council elections, but what is even more remarkable is that he's only 21 - the minimum age at which candidates can stand for civic duties.

There's no age database at the government's Electoral Commission, but at only four months over the minimum age, James, who lives in Oak Tree Lane, is firmly believed to be the youngest, a spokesman said. "It's quite nice to know that I am probably the youngest councillor in the country, but I don't think age matters that much," said James.

"I have always been interested in politics, following on from my dad, who was a councillor for years."

James puts his success at the polls down to hard work.

"I spent many hours talking to as many residents as I could. It was the personal touch on the doorstep that won it," he said and added: "I am very grateful for their support."

James moved to Wythall from Solihull with his family in 1990. He attended Essex University to study accounting and finance, but didn't return after a gap year, preferring to help in the family property management business.

He is aware, he says, that he has a lot to learn from the elder statesmen on the council. His main area of concern includes protecting the environment and keeping anti-social behaviour at bay.

"I am going to enjoy representing my constituents on litter and dog fouling issues, as well as the more serious social problems.

"I am also hoping to see the development of new community facilities in the village," he added.