MOTORISTS are being urged to think back to the end of March when a teenage boy was attacked and robbed of his mobile phone on a roadside in Hollywood.

Police are still trying to track down the three people responsible for assaulting the 17-year-old as he walked along Alcester Road, near Highters Heath Lane, on Monday, March 27 at about 7.30pm.

One of the attackers asked the victim for the time and then demanded his mobile phone. He was then punched repeatedly in the face before they made off with his phone.

DC Mark Carter, from Wythall CID, said: "During this attack the victim tried to flag down passing cars to get help.

"No-one stopped but it's quite possible that motorists assumed this was a group of youngsters messing about rather than a genuine appeal for help.

"We are urging anyone who recalls seeing a disturbance along Alcester Road late that Monday night to give us a call as they may have important information to help our inquiries."

Anyone with information can call police on 08457 444 888 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.