BROMSGROVE Operatic Society celebrates its 25th anniversary by staging Western epic Oklahoma! at the Artrix between May 8 and 13.

The show is particularly a triumph for society members Cheryl Stuart, Lynda Dunn and Sue Trothit, who all overcame breast cancer in recent years.

The brave trio plays principal roles in Rogers and Hammerstein's grand musical, following a wagon train across the dangerous landscape of the Wild West.

The show is packed with memorable songs such as 'Oh, What a Beautiful Morning' and of course 'Oklahoma'.

The society is hoping to match the success of previous show Me and My Girl.

Tickets are priced at £11 on Monday and Tuesday and £12 the rest of the week.

Family tickets cost £35. They can be ordered by calling 01527 836379 or 0121 445 3120. The show starts at 7.30pm.